Friday, September 21, 2012

Beauties down under.....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

vedpublishing : Website designs and Internet Marketing

How to Increase Link Popularity

Having various links to your websites does not have to be a boring and tedious task that you perform on a weekly basis. Many people spend a lot of hours submitting to search engine directories and trying to find new ways to work on Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, in the hopes that will boost their rankings with the various search engines and increase their popularity overall. It can be a lot of work, or it can be very expensive if you outsource this process or hire a professional to take care of it for you. There are other ways you can explore on how to increase link popularity.
A quick and easy way to get your link out there is to leave comments and replies on websites and blogs with similar content to yours. This can get your ideas out there in front of people who are interested in the same topics you are and are looking for a service or product you may have to offer. In your comment, leave the link to your website so people can easily click on it for more information.
You can also invite visitors and users of your site to link directly to your page. Many people do not even think that this is something they can do, but it can be great advertising for you if other people are willing to spread the word about your site. Social media is a particular good outlet for this and having the ability for people to “like” something right on your site or “pin” something can make things simple and give you a promotion.
Adding videos to your site is another method you can try. Many people seek out videos today to help them with a wide variety of topics. If you create a video to add to your site that is unique yet relates to your site, people are not only likely to seek out, but they may link to it themselves, giving you more traffic.
The same can be done with pictures. While videos today are more popular, many people look out for pictures related to different topics they are interested in or researching. Having quality, relevant pictures to your site can also help direct traffic to you.
People are also always searching for statistics and reports. If you have been involved in any kind of study and can relay this information, you can put this out and people will link to it. Perhaps you can have information about an existing report relating to your subject on your site and attribute it to its source.
Learning how to increase link popularity can lead to great things for your business. It can open up your site to those who did not know where to find you before. You may find that you can greatly increase your fan, follower and customer bases all with just a little bit of effort and research on your part. Your link popularity can begin to soar quite quickly.